Pillar 3 – Connectivity Solutions

We are a leading provider of comprehensive, education-specific connectivity solutions. Based on years of experience working with schools and universities, our all-around strategy covers infrastructure, technologies, regulation and affordability.

Common challenges

Lack of internet access reduces an educational organisation’s potential to learn and grow. However, connecting a school to the internet may come with a set of geographical, technological and human obstacles that can make it hard to know where to start.

Our solutions

We address connectivity through the ideology and framework of the United Nations’ 2030 Leave no one behind (LNOB) pledge. Our comprehensive approach looks not only at infrastructure, affordability, regulation and technologies, but also at the human component.

How it works in practice

Firstly, we gather and update accurate data about your school, its location, connectivity status and budget and legal regulations. We map all existing and planned networks, hardware and software applications, the number of children and teachers reached, and many other factors.

Next, we work with leading global and local suppliers and help you implement the best quality connectivity solution based on your location, requirements and budget

Finally, we connect learners through an internal school network. A shared intranet connection is the final step that turns your institution into a hub of knowledge, nurtures sustainable development, transforms pedagogy and empowers students.

Welcome to Ogitech

Want to get in touch or need more information? Here is how you can contact us:

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