Pillar 2 – Learning Management Platform

Our powerful learning platform is easy to use and it provides a robust foundation for digital lesson management. Its dual asynchronous and synchronous design adapts effortlessly to remote, face-to-face and blended environments.

Common challenges

The prospect of having lessons compacted into a digital device can be unnerving for teachers and students used to a traditional classroom setting. Previous negative experiences with unintuitive, hard-to-use platforms can also be a demotivating factors.

Our solutions

Our simple and intuitive Escuela Virtual digital learning platform is easy to manage and customise. Once you get started on using it, you may wonder how you ever taught or learned any other way.

How it works in practice

With proven success in nine different countries, the Escuela Virtual platform is a one-stop solution for all your digital classroom management needs – allowing you to have your digital learning program up and running in just one week.


You will have complete control over the data, accounts and user access to virtual classrooms via your own server.

Easy to oversee

The platform makes it easy for the school’s directorate to understand what is happening in the digital classrooms, and manage the virtual learning environment in the same way as you would supervise a real-world school.


You can reflect and match your institution’s ethos and branding through a personalised look and feel.

User Friendly

The system is designed to be so easy to use that teachers, institution directors, administrative staff members, students and parents can learn, understand and navigate it effortlessly from day one.


Our system offers unique flexible pedagogical tools which other virtual learning platforms do not possess. Designed specifically for digital age teaching, these are totally adaptable to live online lessons, distance-learning courses, for use as a teaching aid in traditional classroom settings, or as a mix of asynchronous and synchronous methods. We cover all these features in detail during our demo presentation.


The non-exhaustive list of features includes user tutorials, virtual files and online practice, attendance supervision, live class interaction, group work, interactive whiteboard connectivity, self- and group-assessment, video and multimedia sharing, presentations, screen sharing and live chat, among others.


The platform’s uses extend far beyond the requirements of quarantine-imposed distance learning. Benefits include the development of disciplined study habits in pupils, providing teachers with a centralised, easy tool for creating and imparting a quality mix of distance and presential learning, and the management and validation of fees payments.

Welcome to Ogitech

Want to get in touch or need more information? Here is how you can contact us:

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