We’re at the heart of digitalising education

Ogitech is the global leader in making education future-ready. Our approach is all embracing. From funding consultancy and tech innovation to training teachers on the front line. We turn your school’s digitalisation goals into reality — so that every young person may dream big.

Digital learning matters for tomorrow

Every school digitalisation project is unique. The best way to solve a problem is to understand it from every angle. That’s why we leverage a comprehensive Six Pillars approach that adopts the UNESCO requirements for the digital transformation of education and secures your success.

The seven-pillar approach

Empowering Educators

Whenever significant change takes place in the classroom, it is the teacher who must lead and motivate students to embrace it. That’s why ongoing training and support for educators underpin every school digitalisation project we undertake.

Learning Management Platform

Our powerful learning platform is easy to use and it provides a robust foundation for digital lesson management. Its dual asynchronous and synchronous design adapts effortlessly to remote, face-to-face and blended environments.

Connectivity Solutions

We are a leading provider of comprehensive, education-specific connectivity solutions. Based on years of experience working with schools and universities, our all-round strategy covers infrastructure, technologies, regulation and affordability.


Every school’s technology needs are different. We tailor solutions to fit you, through our partnerships with leading computer, learning device and mobile brands, as well as interactive whiteboards, file services and wireless local area networks.

Learning Environments

Students thrive in learning environments that promote academic achievement, teamwork and communication. We provide optimal, collaborative classroom design and furniture that integrate with your school’s technology.

Installation and Support

We support your project from start to finish. We’ll get you up and running quickly, with an installation that protects the longevity of your equipment and decreases chances of downtime. When you need help, no question is too complex or small.

Massive impact

Ogitech, in collaboration with the strongest companies in the education, web3 technology, and sustainable construction markets, seeks to carry out projects with a social impact, combined with providing solutions for the environment and thus combating climate change.

What makes us a leader in digital education?

For more than a decade, long before the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the technology gap in education, ogi tech has been a driving force in digital learning. Our experience extends from remote rural schools with no internet connection to large universities with myriad technology needs. We partner with leading companies to cover all aspects of digitalisation, always with a pedagogical focus that brings today’s technology into harmony with schools, teachers and students.

Pedagogical approach

Technology is a valuable tool in education. But it alone cannot propel students to success. That’s why we pioneer learning that seamlessly combines classroom technology with the method and practice of teaching.

Integrated digital solutions

Some schools have no internet connection. Others invest in technology but cannot leverage its potential due to poor connectivity or lack of IT support. We problem-solve these issues with a tailored approach that leaves no stone unturned.


We partner with some of the world’s leading companies in technology and pedagogy. Their innovative services and equipment are specifically designed to help teachers and students succeed.

Education makes equal opportunities a reality

Our technological partners

Welcome to Ogitech

Want to get in touch or need more information? Here is how you can contact us:

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